VASK Schaffhausen
Webergasse 48
8200 Schaffhausen
Telefon: 052 625 55 80

Willkommen bei der VASK Ostschweiz


The VASK provides information and support for relatives of mentally ill people. It represents the interests of relatives and is networked with public and private institutions.

Here you will find offers from VASK Ostschweiz, information about self-help groups and regulars' tables in our region, as well as further information for those interested. 
  Contact telephone: Tel .: 071 866 12 12
At this telephone number you can reach a person who is himself a member. Advice: You can talk to someone - if you like, anonymously - who is familiar with the problem. Your counterpart on the phone would like to understand you and tries to help you. Information: You get information about the VASK and find out what the VASK can do for you. You can also order material.